The internet has become a wild wild west, with gurus and coaches slinging detox courses and herbal “cures” for everything from kidney stones to ADHD. At Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™ , we know what actually works because we’ve got science and years of experience as the foundation for our work. Thousands of happy customers agree that Moonstone Stone Stopper™ is a powerful kidney stone prevention supplement.
“The stories we hear about how Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™ changed lives, that’s what makes us passionate about what we do,” said Anya Sarkisov, Moonstone’s VP of Marketing. “As a company, we’re focused on creating products that help people prevent painful kidney stones and live healthier lives.”
Kidney Stones for 30 Years Disappear with Moonstone
Frady G. has suffered from kidney stones for over thirty years. “I’ve got short bowel syndrome, so I over absorb oxalate,” she said. With kidney failure looming, her nephrologist (kidney doctor) recommended she try Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™ . “After years of horrible suffering, I feel like Stone Stopper saved my life. Now I take Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™ every morning and I haven’t had a single kidney stone since 2020!”
Emergency Kidney Complications Spark Passion for Kidney Stone Prevention
In 2017, Marc P., a 57-year-old male from New York, was on vacation in Los Angeles when he had a sudden kidney stone attack. Out of the blue, he found himself in the middle of the street hunched over with crippling pain. The hospital sent him home with Tylenol but the stones were so bad that he had to return for an emergency operation with laser lithotripsy.
“I was in the hospital for six days with an infection,” said Marc. “That was definitely the most painful experience of my life.”
When he came home he started doing a tremendous amount of research on kidney stones. He saw that a renal diet could help, but he also asked his doctor for advice.
“My doctor told me to take Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™ proactively to help prevent new stones from forming. Since starting Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™, I haven’t had any kidney stone issues for over two years!”
A Kidney Stone Supplement That Actually Works
The prevalence of kidney stones in the United States increased by 231% from the late 1970s to the late 2000s, with women representing the fastest group of new kidney stone formers. This may be due to a rise in obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome, which are all considered high-risk factors for kidney stone formation.
Prescription treatments for kidney stones are available, but there are few, over-the-counter (OTC) products that support kidney stone prevention effectively. Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™, however, has a scientifically proven kidney stone formula delivering 30mEq of alkali citrate (from citrate salts) per serving.
Prescription medications such as potassium citrate are commonly used to treat and prevent kidney stones. However, potassium citrate can be expensive and typically has side effects like nausea and GI discomfort.
Try Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™
Stone Stopper by Moonstone™ is a gentle alternative and the first OTC supplement designed to address kidney stone crystallization. In addition to its active ingredients, Stone Stopper has no added sugar and is low in sodium. It is an excellent source of magnesium and vitamin B6. Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™ may appeal to people seeking clean label products because it is also non-GMO, and free of wheat, fat, and soy.
People suffering from chronic kidney stones can use Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™ for its daily dose of alkali citrate, to prevent the crystallization that causes stones to form.
Available in capsules and powder beverages in a variety of delicious flavors, Stone Stopper by Moonstone™ is ideal for anyone watching their weight and for diabetics. Stone Stopper uses allulose, a rare non-absorbable sugar that occurs naturally in raisins, figs, and other foods.
Allulose tastes similar to sugar but has virtually no calories. With a glycemic index of zero, allulose has no impact on blood glucose. The (few) carbs in Stone Stopper by Moonstone ™'s beverages do not metabolize so they can be subtracted from carb calculations. This makes Stone Stopper range of alkali citrate supplements especially suited for diabetics needing to closely monitor sugar and net carbs.
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